Purchase charts for navigation

CHS distributes nautical charts for navigation through a dealer network that serves Canada and the entire world. You can use this page to find the nautical charts that you need and choose the dealer from which you will order them.
Find nautical charts
Many Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) charts are available in digital form as either a Raster Navigational Chart (RNC) or as a vector Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC). Both charts use navigation software to provide navigators with an electronic alternative to paper charts. Learn more about the difference between raster charts and vector charts.
To find the chart that you need, you can search our chart catalogues or our interactive maps.
- Chart Catalogues - four catalogues describing all available CHS paper charts
- Chart Index – an interactive web map showing both digital and paper chart coverage areas
- CHS Official Products and CHS Licensed Manufacturers
- List of Charts
Where to purchase charts for navigation
To purchase paper or digital charts for navigation you must order through a chart dealer. You will need the number of your chart when ordering.
- Dealer Locator – find a dealer near you to order your charts
- Price List – see the prices of paper and digital charts for navigational use
How to download your digital charts
If you have purchased Canadian Hydrographic Service digital charts from a dealer, you will receive a transaction code granting access to all products that were part of your purchase. Create a GCKey account to gain access to the CHS Digital Data Portal. After you have logged in, enter the transaction code to add your purchased products to the Active Products list.
Need help adding your transaction code to your account? Download the CHS Digital Data Portal user guide.
The End User Licence Agreement for Canadian Hydrographic Service digital charts is valid for 2 years from the date of purchase. Updates and future new editions that are circulated during this period are downloadable from your CHS Digital Data Portal account. End users are required to agree to the terms and conditions of CHS's End User licence Agreement. End users have no rights to further distribution of their CHS products. Users must acquire the appropriate licence from CHS for uses that fall outside the terms of their end-user licence.
How to read your nautical charts
The nautical chart is the mariner's road map. Effectively using a chart helps you identify the best route to your destination and prevents accidents. Click here for tips on how to read your nautical chart, including the title block and other features.
Report chart discrepancies
We want to hear from you. CHS relies on mariners to notify us when dangers to navigation are discovered, or corrections to charts and publications seem necessary. It's important to provide us with as much information as possible so we can make the changes and ensure safe navigation for all. Fill out our marine information reporting form which will automatically be sent to chsinfo@dfo-mpo.gc.ca.
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